Name: Jacqueline Brunet. Jackie, for most people.
Birthday: September 30th, 1987.
Birthplace: Monterrey, Mexico.
Current location: Same.
Eye color: Pink, sometimes red when I get angry... Nah, they're brown.
Hair color: Natural dark brown.
Height: 1.6 mts.
Right-handed or left-handed: Righty.
Your heritage: Mexican, with a little french mixed in there.
The shoes you wore today: Naked feet.
Your weakness: Kissing or breathing on my neck... and chocolate brownie thingies, of course.
Your fears: Heights, being alone, darkness, snakes and dead... things.
Your perfect pizza: One that arrives on time for once and isn't cold and mushy!
Goal you would like to achieve this year: Graduate and get a job. Save money and buy a piano. Maybe fall in love... Is that even a goal?
Your most over-used phrase on an instant messenger: OMG.
Thoughts first waking up: "Five more minutes", "Ew, is that gum on my hair?".
Your best physical feature: You tell me.
Your bedtime: Lately, it's just whenever or wherever I pass out from exhaustion.
Your most missed memory: Having a boyfriend to play, run around and cuddle with. Oh, and killing nazi zombies.
Pepsi or coke: Diet coke.
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's. Best fries ever made by man.
Single or group dates: Group dates if we're just playing around, and single if it's serious, but a little bit of both is always best.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Arizona.
Chocolate or vanilla: The smell of vanilla, the taste of chocolate.
Cappuccino or coffee: I'm into both, but I don't drink it often 'cause it's bad for your teeth and makes you spaz out like this: erw3tragergergy... Like I really need all that extra energy?
Do you smoke: Never.
Do you swear: I try not to.
Do you sing: All the time, everywhere I go, when I'm happy... and in the shower! It echoes nice in there and I scream the songs so my family thinks I'm nuts.
Do you shower daily: Of course! So I get to sing more.
Have you been in love: Once, so far and only.
Do you want to go to college: Been there, still doing that.
Do you want to get married: After I have enjoyed my youth to its fullest, I'll settle down, learn how to cook better and start popping out babies!
Do you belive in yourself: I believe outside of myself.
Do you get motion sickness: Nah, sometimes if I'm in the car with a smoker... Yeah, it's weird.
Do you think you are attractive: Damn, hell yeah! As often as possible I am right there walking behind myself checking out my own ass... Ow, that's hot.
Are you a health freak: I like to eat healthy and stuff, but I don't mind junk food. It's sooo good.
Do you get along with your parents: Yup.
Do you like thunderstorms: I adore them. Specially now, when the sky is literally falling down on us. I'm not very fond of the leak on top of my bed, though.
Do you play an instrument: Piano and acoustic guitar. It'd be awesome to learn how to play like a whole marching band strapped on yourself, like that Pixar short movie.
In the past month have you drank alcohol: Very little. As far as I know, I don't really drink... Unless I'm the complete opposite, and I'm such a drunk that I don't even remember the fact that I am. I could be drunk right now and not know it... o.O
Have you gone skinny-dipping: Hell, yes! It's the best thing ever. My boobs freeze off, but it totally rocks.
In the past month have you smoked: Hell, no.
In the past month have you been on drugs: I like vitamins. They give me nice skin and hair, and they make my eyeballs shiny!
In the past month have you stolen anything: Nope.
Ever been drunk: Yeah. I don't really handle it well... I disappear, transform into a squirrel and people can't find me.
Ever shoplifted: This is starting to sound more and more like an FBI interrogation... Yes! Once I tried to steal marbles at a 7-Eleven, but my mom caught me and made me give 'em back, okay?
In the past month have you gone on a date: Yeah, there was this one guy and... I mean, he had candy!
In the past month have you gone to a mall: Yeah, it gets boring after a while.
In the past month have you eaten a box of oreos: Hmm, not this month. What is wrong with me?
In the past month have you eaten sushi: Oh, yes.
Have you been on stage lately: Yup, singing.
In the past month have you been dumped: ...on? LOL. Yes, I've been dumped.
Ever been called a tease: No, but I'm guitly of that without even trying.
Ever been beaten up: Yeah, sometimes I just go ape-wild on people! No, seriously, maybe when I was a kid.
What do you want to be when you grow up: A wife, a mother, a psychologist and an artist... among other things.
What country would you most like to visit: France, obviously. This question is dumb.
Number of drugs I have taken: Zero and proud of it.
Number of original CD's I own: Maybe thirty.
Number of piercings: Two on the ears since birth.
Number of tattoos: None. I wanted one once, but they get gross when you get old. There's only one thing I'd tattoo on my skin, but if I tell you I'd have to kill you.
Number of things in my past I regret: Being a jerk at times and not saying stuff.
Something I always carry with me: My sun&moon necklace my mom gave me and my rings.
What I think of death: Just another path, I guess.
How do you want to die: Doing something really fun, even if I'm old and wrinkly. It'd be cool to die of a heart attack from dancing too much to my favorite song or something.
In the opposite sex...
Favourite eye color: Dark brown eyes.
Favourite hair color: I love really brown or black hair. Redheads are cool too.
Short or long hair: Depends on the guy. Not too long, like girl-long, but I do like it about jaw length if it suits him. Short works great as well, with a nice style too. It makes my heart beat oh, so fast!
Height: Freakishly tall. Or at least just taller than me.
Weight: I don't like guys that are too muscular, yuck. I like a guy who's in shape, though, with tone... and a little fat is okay too, it's good for cuddling.
Best clothing style: Normal? I don't really care, I'm into a lotta stuff. Just not preppy-looking or goth.
Would you like to add anything else: Um... Eat chocolate until you explode. Go nuts. Make love. Promote peace and help others. Oh, and listen to more Coldplay.
13 Responses
  1. NR Says:

    Hace mucho que no veía uno de estos. Y hace mucho más que no hago uno.
    Pero no le veo el caso ya. La única persona por la cuál haría algo así, ya sabe todo eso de mí y más.
    Interesante leerlo por cierto. Espero te haya divertido y servido para matar algo de tiempo.

  2. JacquelineB. Says:

    Ni lo has de haber leído, haha.

  3. NR Says:

    Claro que lo leí!
    No necesitaba leerlo, porque ya me sé todo eso. Pero sí lo leí! =P

  4. JacquelineB. Says:

    Bueno, sí lo leíste. Pero no sabes todo... No sabes qué es la única cosa que me tatuaría. Si lo supieras, estarías muerto.

    PD. ¿Qué demonios haces en mi blog a las 2 am?

  5. Ssg. Rivera Says:

    me gusta leer tu blog a esa hora.. hay algo de malo en eso?
    Siempre es bueno leerte!
    Btw... mis condolencias por tus comments...

  6. JacquelineB. Says:

    No, nada. Sólo el detalle de que a esa hora el resto del mundo está dormido. Es todo.
    Sí, gracias. Realmente los voy a extrañar mucho.

  7. Ssg. Rivera Says:

    Voy a poner esto que alguna vez alguien me firmó a mí y creo que se le ha olvidado.
    Palabras muy atinadas para la ocasión y el momento.

    "Creo que la gente dejó de escuchar "lo que dicta el corazón" y por eso ya no oímos hablar de grandes historias, creadores, héroes y leyendas... O a lo mejor simplemente nos encanta colgarnos de un pasado que se supone que era mejor, como excusa lame para no hacer algo al respecto ahorita. Bueno, creo que es muy subjetivo. Tú, como individuo, debes ponerle "épica" a tu vida. Yo haría lo mismo, para que mi historia resuene aunque sea en unos cuantos, por unos segundos."

    Sólo me falta agregar, que espero que ella escuche su corazón y deje entrar esa EPICNESS en su vida. =)

  8. JacquelineB. Says:

    ¡Hey, yo escribí eso! Exijo derechos de autor, haha. "Epicness"... Sí, no lo he olvidado.

  9. N Says:

    Pues házte caso a tí misma y escucha lo que dicta tu corazón.

  10. Anónimo Says:

    ssss.... ZAZ!

  11. Raúl Says:

    Sí sabía muchas cosas! De hecho... tengo miedo de que me mates, jajajaja...

  12. JacquelineB. Says:

    ¡Tú no saaabes qué es lo que me tatuaría! Nope. Ni idea.

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