I watched "My Fair Lady" a few days ago, with the beautiful and talented Audrey Hepburn, after years of not watching it. I didn't even remember many of the details in the movie, I saw it only onve when I was little. I realized it's an incredibly awesome movie.

There's a part in the movie where she sings a very particular song to Freddy: "Show me". It's about how men talk the walk, but never walk the walk.

This is exactly how I feel right now.
1:13 AM.

This guy that fixes closets came to my house today and made a mess of everything. Long story short, I ended up sleeping on the couch. It was cold as hell, so I grabbed quite a few blankets and wore I don't know how many layers of pajamas and sweaters.

I wrote on mu journal a bit, about this and that. You know, depressing stuff. I hate this stage in my life where I can't write about other things, other thoughts. I would love to be done with being negative all the time. It's getting dull.

Over and out.
My favorite month. My december's always slow, as if the cold made the seconds slower. It makes the clock go slower. 

I'm painting again. Today I finished a new semester, so I finally have time. I have this beautiful picture in my mind and I'm all ready to put it on a canvas.

Why the scarfs and the chimneys and the hot chocolate? Why do we grow so adicted to them in the winter? I know why. All of them produce heat. Although, heat is more beautiful with a single scarf around two people kissing each other. Heat is more soft when a single chimney keeps two bodies warm. Heat is sweeter when a single cup of hot chocolate is shared by two people.

The senses are hightened this season. If I cry, I cry an entire waterfall. If I laugh, I laugh hyterically.

I incidentally am in need for warmth, and love, and care. And touch.
"Life is a rollercoaster. You just gotta ride it."

I'm in college, so everything's pretty much a rollercoaster. Classes, homeworks, exams, meeting new people.

I love singing. And dancing. And acting. So, I'm kinda doing some of that with my free time, when I'm not studying my ass off for some test.

I love my major. Psychology. It's fun and entertaining, I think I made the right choice studying this.

But my heart wants to study music. Always has. Maybe someday I will, when I'm done here. I hope I can do it someday. I will do it someday.