It seems to be that everytime I come back to write something on my blog, I'm either getting engaged, getting married or getting pregnant... Wait, what? Yes! I'm preggers! I have a bun in the oven! I'm expecting a baby! I'm gonna be a momma! Holy Christ almighty. Since I got that positive pee stick [insert goofy dance here], I've been happy as a hippo and scared shitless at the same time.

We actually said we were gonna wait a few years, but one night I woke my husband up and told him I didn't wanna wait anymore. He jumped on me and did his thang. We had so much fun in the whole baby-making process. Took us a few months to get it, which made it even more fun. Tried all kinds of different things, did a lot of excercise and healthy eating and even lost a few pounds. It was good for us!

Now, of course, I'm not excercising as much and I've been having all kinds of food cravings. But, hey, at least I'm not drinking anymore even though it seems that everytime I turn around everyone's cracking open a Bud Light behind my back. I don't even miss beer that much, I miss my wine. I miss my morning coffee. I know it's not really all that bad for you, but I'd rather not risk anything. I'm not even dying my hair, which means I'm something between a readhead and a brunette right now. I don't jog anymore. I'm not even enjoying my social ciggie I like to have once in a while. Completely altered lifestyle.

I've been reading What To Expect When You're Expecting, as all first-time mothers should. I'm only starting off my second trimester and already have had almost every symptom in the book. The most common one is neverending peeing and fatigue. Gawd. I can't even get myself outta bed to pee sometimes. Thank my lucky stars that teachers get a lot of vacation time. I'm sleeping and resting and napping like there is no tomorrow. Even in the toilet, I find myself snoozing.

Thankfully, I married my husband, the sweetest, most patient man you could ever meet. My baby hormones get crazy around him when I see him doing the dishes. My knight in shining armor! I totally, utterly and completely hate doing the dishes. I HATE IT. And he does that and many other things around the house without any complaint. He's been my angel these first three months and I love him for it. Let's just hope he doesn't crack one of these days with my mood swings.

Maybe we'll find out if it's a boy or a girl this week! We're already looking into baby names, ordering all kinds of baby stuff and cute useless crap on Amazon to spoil our little brat, painting the baby room, brainstorming on ideas for the play room... We are incredibly excited about this! As are our parents, for it's both my parents' and in-laws' first grandchild. He/she shall be spoiled indeed.

Of course we have absolutely no idea what to expect. And, no disrespect for this book, but nobody can really know what to expect until you're there, in the delivery room, holding your gushy purple baby in your hands for the first time. And even then, I fear both of us will be scared to do anything around him/her. Will we drop him on his head? Will we feed him too much that he'll explode? Will he/she stop crying when we try to soothe him? Infinite questions with inifinite possible answers, and I guess we just have to pick it up along the way and hope for the best.

One thing I'm sure of is that we're definetely gonna be an awesome family. 'Cause me and my hubby are an awesome team and our genetics are so awesome that I know we'll have an awesome baby to go along with all our awesomeness.

More on scary hormones later.

Beautiful baby at 12th week.
4 Responses
  1. Anónimo Says:

    Congrats! You rock Jackie.

    Un gusto pasar a saludarlos a ti y a Sergio.
    Silvia Versaida (Chai)

  2. y una pinche tía LOCA. Te adoro Jacqueline. <3

  3. JacquelineB. Says:

    Hmm, quizá no lo publicaste adecuadamente, porque nunca ví un comentario tuyo. ¡Yo no borro comentarios! :)

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