Hello again. So, this blog I abandoned for some time, I didn't really start it out just to be interesting (I know that I am without trying). I guess all I wanted was to test myself in the art of the written word and came out sucking at it a bit.

(My apologies if I have a tendency to change languages at times, but my mind works in three different ones, and some days I communicate myself better in one or another. Bare with me.)

I was tempted to create a whole new blog to try a new way of writing, but I was instantly hit with melancholy and couldn't get myself to do it. It's true that some years ago I may have published stupid things here (and they're still here), but it's a part of me and one should never be ashamed of their past, even if you've got terrible taste in men, adore girly-like bands like Coldplay and may or may not have shared weird, erotic dreams about ninjas.

Far off my point.

I'm getting married! *ahem* We're getting married. (Must remember to go plural every time.)

I scattered the news to the four winds of the world on September 14th, but hadn't written that down here, so I had to come and tell my faithful 17 followers (15 really, 'cause two of the accounts belong to my dear big sister and I can't really count her as a fan, though she means well and I love her) that I'm getting hitched this summer! Sergio, the lucky dude, proposed quite like Ryan O'Neal in Arthur Hiller's Love Story (except the 25-year old girl doesn't die, I hope), and made me say yes. Bastard.

In the first two weeks or so, after breaking the news and causing a lot of jaw-dropping, we were caught in the what-should-our-wedding-theme-be query (other than awesome, of course) and after long hours of brainstorming and cheetos, we were there. Oui, it shall be a glamourous vintage french-style wedding.

As it was expected, my father's pants dropped instantly when I revealed the idea. I do believe his french je ne sais quoi rubbed off on me much more than it did on my sisters. We've been talking about placing it at the turn of the 20th century, when Toulouse Lautrec and Henri Matisse were the soul of Paris' Art Nouveau movement, and La Belle Époque decorated and gave life to the streets of la ville-lumière with posters and paintings of beautiful Can-can dancers (if you are not familiar with any of this, that's what the links are for, you ill-educated beings).

Ideas for decorating and coloring the wedding have been pouring out of all three of us (the groom, myself and my maid of honor). From the lovely Gothic-style church we've already booked, the only 1912 parisian-designed Gran Hotel Ancira we've picked for the soirée, to the Art Nouveau posters, the antique artsy centerpieces, the vintage postcard-like wedding invitations, and the somewhat themed wedding dress I can't say anything about here. Yet.

So fun!

Anyway, more on fabulous wedding later. Must pay attention to weary fiancée after three days of work travel. I promise to return soon this time.

3 Responses
  1. Nushio Says:

    Yay! Congrats Jackie!

  2. thats me, the maid of honor, of course! *yays*...

  3. Anónimo Says:

    Yup, and the adventure begins!!! I gotta say, this blog amazes me more everytime I look it up..

    This is just perfect!

    -The bastard-

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