You know how they tell you that being a mom is awesome? Well, to tell you the truth... Hell, yeah, it is! I even quit my job last year, so I could do it full-time. Plus, it's a great excuse to be partially insane all the time and still be socially accepted. Sort of. Or at least with the remaining social connections that didn't actually die right after delivery.

Baby Chequito, or Checo (nickname for the name Sergio, after his dad), turned one last month and it's been a blast being home with him all day long.

For example, when it's time for a diaper change, he loves helping you out by getting all those wipes out and eating them, incessantly screaming and moving around so it's a lot more fun and entertaining to get that diaper on, then kicking and knocking shit down and hitting your bare feet, you know, to remind you that you should wear industrial boots. So considerate.

It gets better. When it's meal time, spoons are for babies, so this 1-year-old non-baby will throw that spoon right back at you and hit you on your face and laugh. Under his high chair he'll start throwing all that sticky, gooey food on the floor around him, to let you know that the food fight is about to begin. It's awesome.

Oh, and sleepy time is the best! Pretend to be playing with him while rocking that 21-pound baby on your tiny arms for what seems a lifetime while he's screaming his lungs out. Or taking him out for a half-hour drive going absolutely nowhere. Aw, geez. Those 4 am super-fun drives in my pajamas in the middle of a cold, cruel night. Good times.

Nah, seriously. It's all true, but he is the cutest baby alive. And he knows it.

Twenty-one pounds, big head, chubby arms and legs, gorgeous dark-brown eyes, beautiful mole on his tummy, 6 teeth on the most adorable smile. Greatest sense of humor. Morning person, always wakes up with a smile. Dog person, he loves bossing our basset hounds around. Loves taking showers. Eats and poops like he ate and pooped for a living. Loves to take walks and strolls and drives. Plays with all kinds of toys, but prefers instruments, books and his Woody doll. Melts your heart with a look. Breaks your heart with a tear. Does a great impression of my mom clearing her throat. Giggles like a maniac. Screams like a maniac. Eats all kinds of crap off the floor. Hardly ever cries. Loves TV and iPhones. Loves peek-a-boo and pretending to be a scary dinosaur. Claps when someone sings him Mamma Mia, the frog song or La Cucaracha. Huge flirt. Gets along with everyone. Laughs profusely. Doesn't understand the point of pacifiers. Crawls like he's on fire. Smiles at you for no reason at all. Gives the most warm hugs in the world.

This kid, this family, is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love them both with my whole heart. And yes, I can't wait to have another one.

Baby & me.