So, I'm back and I'm married now. I turned 26 recently and it suddenly hit me that everything depends on me now, on us. We're alone in the world, we have to make our own damn money, support ourselves, wash our own clothes and pay our bills. We're all grown-up and I'm so proud of us. And our house is just a lovely, little hobbit house in the making.

We actually put up our Christmas tree last weekend. I don't care if everyone thinks it's early to do so. We wanted to feel Christmasy and warm up our li'l House with the Blue Door, like I like to call it. It's just the loveliest tree in the world, with a kind of turquoise and gold palette.

A cold front has finally struck our town and I find it quite hard to get outta bed in the morning for the following reasons: 1) there's no food in the refrigerator, 2) I work at a kindergarten ('nuff said), 3) my husband is traveling a lot lately, 4) it's too friggin' cold outside my blankets, and 5) there's no food in the refrigerator.

The only thing that's keeping me going this week is the fact that there's no school next monday and my hubby and I just decided we're taking the weekend off our lives and going to Parras, a nice wine-tasting village 3 hours from here. Haven't traveled at all since our honeymoon (except to McAllen, which doesn't count), so this will do just perfectly.

I'll post about wedding and wonderful honeymoon later on.